
This Is My Praiseworld Story. What’s Yours? – @HepzyOlokode


A couple of days ago, we published Opeyemi Otolorin’s Praiseworld Story, where she narrated how she got to know about Praiseworld Radio, and how she has become a part of the family. Her post ended with a question challenging others to share their story.

Looks like someone has stepped up to the challenge. Here is the Praiseworld Story from another Praiseworld Radio listener by the name Hephzibah Olokode. Have a good read…


The radio stations were boring me out. No cool song not too talk of Christian songs which of cos they kinda restricted to Sundays.

In annoyance and frustration especially as I wanted to add to my music folder new songs I lamented to my boss in the office. She just smiled but I wasn’t satisfied, so I kept complaining until she asked if I had heard of Praiseworld Radio. Of course I hadn’t heard of it at that time, so I answered negative. She told me it was an online radio so my next thought was data consumption. surprising how we want free things shey.

So I downloaded d app and I was plugged in. It however didn’t consume as much Data as I thought.

It was Afternoon Groove and Awhy was anchoring. I found Awhy funny and controversial. I don’t mean it in a bad manner but really I’m always amazed at the way he presents his thoughts. He is Mr Controversial kinda. However I love his express and unashamed mention of God, and even for all the other presenters, especially Tola, he has this sharp way of switching into d spirit. LOL.

So from that day onward I found myself plugged in. Funny, at some point all I kept doing was plugging my earphone in and listening to Praiseworld Radio from 7 am to 4 pm.


I love Godfessions. It’s a spirit opener. The Praise O’clock show is another bomb. Then Afternoon Groove, oh I love it. Kinda miss Tim I love his segment too. Girls Rock is awesome and for some reasons I’ve being missing Women of Worship but I tuned in yesterday and I was greatly blessed.

I also love the interview session on all the shows, the audience participation. I’ve being tremendously blessed. Even the blog is a blessing. I read a lot of stuff on the blog, although I seldom comment.

Another thing I love about Praiseworld are the songs available for FREE download. C’mon, we all love free things, but above all I love the fact that its a good avenue for godly music. It’s also being a platform of expression for new artistes.

I even introduced Praiseworld to a number of my friends. Like everyone in my house knows d station eh, like they have a choice?

Then I also attended one of the Praise Party editions, it was the bomb. I invited two of my friends. They were so surprised. They even said they won’t have believed it was a Christian party if not that I invited them. My spirit was so lifted. Funny I traveled to Lagos to attend and it sure was worth it.

Praiseworld is the Bomb. Its a very awesome avenue for Christian expression. Thanks for standing tall for Jesus and treading the road less traveled. God bless Praiseworld. family. I’m proud to be associated.

– Hephzibah

Now that you  know her Praiseworld story, would you share yours with us?

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