MUSIC: Jo_kris – Spirit Take Over | @ChristainNoah

Artiste Name: Jo_Kris

Song Title: Spirit Take Over

CHRISTIAN NOAH (JO_KRIS) is the president of Da Royal Worshippers, a ministry which has been a great blessing to a lot of people through several worship CONCERTS such as ICE(Inner Court Experience), AWE(Ablaze worship Experience) etc and also by the release of powerful worship songs such as ALL FOR YOU, SET ME ABLAZE etc.

Jo_kris is set to be a massive blessing by releasing his Debut Single which Is tagged SPIRIT TAKE OVER, produced by J-town’s finest producer- Oluwadrumma.( OluwaDrumma Mazi)

SPIRIT TAKE OVER is a song filled with God’s mighty presence and seeks to pass a message that on our own we cannot make it, except by Gods Spirit, as the Scripture says its not by power, nor by might but by My Spirit says the Lord.

We all need to come to a place where we totally surrender to God’s Spirit, as we give Him permission to TAKE OVER our lives, families, challenges and watch him turn our lives into a miracle.

You can’t remain the same after listening to this powerful song. You will have a TESTIMONY!

Main Keys: Gabriel Salifu
Backup keys: Oluwadrumma & Zico
Bass: Isaac Guya BassMan
Acoustic Guitar: Neken Agape Chuwang
Electric Guitar: Paul Adakole Ojoko
Violin: Faseran Faith Oluwapelumi
Drums: Oluwadrumma

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